Intel Corporation

Marketing & Communications Intern

May - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

The team I worked with was very welcoming and helpful in getting me adjusted to do work at Intel.

What I wish was different

I was the youngest on my team by over 10-15 years, so it was a different culture than I expected for marketing at a tech company.


Get your work done and ask for more! Impress them with your work ethic.
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Computer Hardware Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Folsom, CA

What I liked

I liked to work with team of engineers where our goal was to find solutionn for problems. It was a good opportunity to learn real world experiments.

What I wish was different

School would have shown me more hands on work.


Try to understand the material that we learn in classes. Think about it, why and how.
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Process System Engineer

September 2019 • Littlefield, AZ

What I liked

I like to work in such a great company. I'm getting unique experience and introduce to new people.

What I wish was different

Everything is great. I cant even imaging something better.


Don't be scared to apply for Internship.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - December 2019 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

It was very transparent and wasn’t an environment where I felt stressed or pressure. The work itself was very fun and super educational along the way as well! You learn a lot of life skills on top of technical skills as well, which helped groom me better for a professional work environment

What I wish was different

My experience has been so great, there isn’t anything I personally wish would be different.


Definitely don’t let the notion of being an intern stress you out. While you do have deliverables to meet at expected deadlines, no one expects you to be the best. They understand that you’re still a student expanding their knowledge, and if you’re doing an internship doing school they will also acknowledge that your school work will always take the priority. If you’re feeling pressured about finding your first internship, networking is very important!! Although applying online should be your first action, talk to people in your friend or family circle and learn more information about different opportunities out there! Most importantly, have fun with your internship. It’s not so white washed and boring as people would have you believe
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Technical, Sys. Arch, and Focus Group Intern

June - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

Everything, the culture, my work, my co-workers, my manager. I did not have anything to complain about. They provided a good work experience for myself.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten more work, and given more responsibility.


Always ask for more work and never be bored at work
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Software Engineering Intern

June 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

Learned a lot of new technologies and applied many academic practices and concepts in an industrial setting.

What I wish was different

Nothing really.


When extending an internship into the school year, you have to balance school and work very well.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - September 2019 • Folsom, CA

What I liked

I like the flexible working hours and the opportunity to learn about new web technologies and frameworks.

What I wish was different

A good portion of my time was spent doing work that I didn't find valuable in developing my skills, but is necessary for the job. I also spent almost an hour commuting each way from home.


There is no such thing as "your" time and "company" time. Every minute of your day is "your" time, and it's your responsibility to make sure that you use your time wisely, spending it on projects and work that you believe will help you advance your career. This also applies in situations where there's not a lot of stuff to do at work and maybe it's a chill day so you want to just sit around and browse the web. Don't do that. Just because it's on the company's clock doesn't mean it's not your time that you're ultimately wasting doing useless stuff. I caught myself doing the above on multiple occasions. It's not good for anyone. I had to make a deliberate effort to make sure that I was both contributing to my team's plans AND growing as an engineer and person every day. Even on the commute, find ways to add value to your time. I started listening to audiobooks, and got through multiple volumes on topics I've been wanting to learn about (like biotech, AI, personal improvement, economics, stock market, etc). Finally, make sure to schedule your day in (at minimum) 1 hour increments. Ideally 15 - 30 minute increments. It forces you to make sure that you use your time wisely, and to quantify exactly how much of it you waste. Try to have large uninterrupted 2-3 hour sessions of deep work (with a 5 minute break here and there for quick walk + water + restroom) where you focus exclusively on one intense, high value task. This time should be free of low value tasks, like emails/ communication/ web browsing/ etc.
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Power and Performance Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

Intel is a great place to work at. All the managers I had were very supportive of my career development. There were also plenty of intern events that were great for networking and having fun!

What I wish was different


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Logic Validation Intern

May - August 2019 • Fort Collins, CO

What I liked

Emphasis on you taking the responsibility to do your work on your own time, you asking questions/asking for the resources you need to accomplish a task.

What I wish was different


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LIWS Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

The company is huge and gives you a variety of opportunities in all kinds of fields. If you are debating what you want to work in, it is very simple to switch around once you are inside of the company. You will be challenged and it has a great overall environment. The pay and benefits are also well up to what you would desire.

What I wish was different

It is hard to guarantee that you will get a job after an internship and if you have a job it seems it might be difficult to move up. An argument to this was: if you do your job and show you are outstanding - you will move up or get a job with ease.


Network as much as you can!
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Data Analytics Intern

May - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

I really liked the people I worked with and the work I had the opportunity to do with statistics. The experience I gained was invaluable.

What I wish was different

I wouldn't change anything about my experience. I enjoyed it immensely.


The advice I would share is to work as hard as you can and be as enthusiastic as you can be, and you will most likely be successful.
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Electrical Engineer

May - August 2019 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

I loved the kind of work I was doing, it was challenging but nothing I couldn’t handle. I also had a great team and manager to work with.

What I wish was different

I wish it would have been easier to connect with other students there from BYU.


Be open to trying new things, even if there’s something you don’t think you can achieve, go for it anyways!
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Market Development Funds Analyst Intern

June - September 2019 • Folsom, CA

What I liked

Loved the company culture and how much support they offered interns. I also really liked how there was no "busy work" or coffee runs or basic intern things that sometimes you think an internship might consist of. We were doing the same day to days as people on our team and were entrusted with a lot of responsibility.

What I wish was different

I wish I got to travel to some of the other Intel campuses a little more but overall I don't really feel like I was missing out on anything or needed something more.


Talk to as many people as you can and learn about the different orgs within the company. Intel is a huge company and only by talking to people will you be able to even get a grasp on the scale of what they do and what people's roles are.
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Facilities Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

I enjoyed it. I leaned a lot over this summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had asked more questions.


Ask all the questions you can.
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Test Execution Technician

August 2012 - February 2014 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

Experience working in a corporate environment, experience troubleshooting and coding with one of the largest and most important semiconductor companies in the world.

What I wish was different

After about 8 months the work got very dull, the role is pretty limited. You pretty much test drivers and when they fail you file bug reports for the professional engineers to look at.


Temper your expectations, be willing to ask for help because some of the platforms were convoluted, the engineers aren't intimidating they're all very nice.
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Software Intern

October 2016 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

It gave me lots of experience.

What I wish was different

I wish it guaranteed a spot in the company.


Regardless of what group you get put in, look into other groups and see if there are groups that fit your interest. It will benefit you more in the long learn working in a group that aligns with your goals.
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Factory Applications Engineer

May - August 2017 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I had the opportunity to develop my skillset as a hardware engineer and work on software projects.

What I wish was different

More interaction with other interns from greater Intel


Take advantage of every opportunity given; your manager and teammates are there to help. Learn everything you can
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Marcomm intern

May - August 2017 • Folsom, CA

What I liked

I was given a ton of responsibility and the entire team was very open to helping me feel more acclimated. It was definitely a steep learning curve, but after a few weeks I felt pretty comfortable. I was able to lead several projects and got the chance to network with top Intel executives.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been given more ongoing projects. A lot of my projects depended on getting information from other employees, so I always had some down time while I was waiting for information.


Definitely network. I left with a list of nearly 50 employees who I plan on reaching out to every several months to see if they know of any oppprtunuties at Intel.
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Marketing Communications Specialist Intern

June - August 2018 • Folsom, CA

What I liked

Lots of hands-on with real products and real campaigns. Great benefits. Great people to work with.

What I wish was different

Not much. It was really great.


Be prepared to quickly learn about technical technologies.
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technical marketing engineer

May - August 2017 • Folsom, PA

What I liked

gained a lot of experience

What I wish was different

focus more on technical aspects


follow your dreams
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