Utah Jazz NBA

Ticket Sales and Service Intern

February 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

Incredible exposure to one of the greatest companies in the Larry H. Miller group and its accompanying entities. The Utah Jazz are an exceptional franchise and well-rounded and state of the art team in both player operations and business operations. I love the culture, passion, and dynamic work nature this position provides me.

What I wish was different

More responsibility. I feel that this is typically common across most internships but I think even more responsibility entrusted to me would make the experience even better!


Network without an explicit agenda. Doing this requires patience and faith that establishing relationship may pay off temporally at some point, but regardless, making connections and meeting people genuinely makes you a better person, leader, and communicator.
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Jazz youth Camps and Clinics coach

May 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I loved the organization and the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish we did the camps a little differently


These camps drain you physically so be prepared
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Finance Team Intern

April 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

The work environment was awesome, those I worked with were super cool and helpful. It was awesome to be behind the scenes for an organization that I grew up as a fan of.

What I wish was different

The daily commute from Provo to Salt Lake wasn't ideal, but other than that everything was great.


Look for experiences that may be outside of the realm of what you were expecting - accounting students are often encouraged to work for cpa firms, and if I had adhered to that stigma I would not find myself where I am today.
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